Caleb jerked in his sit, his joystick hitting the side of my left thigh. I knew he was trying to tell me something but I was confused. He jerked again this time shaking his feet rapidly. I looked into his eyes, he looked into mine and then to his legs, darting back and forth between my eyes and his feet. I knew at once that the answer to what he was trying to tell me was at his feet.

I stopped grinding and did a 180 degree turn so that my back was directly facing him, while still sitting on his laps I bent down slowly and looked inbetween his two legs rubbing each foot with my hands. I found nothing. Linda didn't seem to care as long as I acted like I was actually doing what she wanted me to do. I took a glance at her, she was now sitting on the floor with the gun beside her, her legs spread apart like a fried turkey on thanksgiving day. She seem distracted, maybe she is taking a break from her pervasions but I knew I still had to be careful.

Caleb had said there was a way to get out of this mess and I intend to try. There is no way I would let myself die in the hands of this crazy woman.

I turned my neck and looked at Caleb, signaling to him that I found nothing. He started shaking his head and legs going into a kind of panic attack and then he started to sob, I placed my hands on his chest tenderly and tried to comfort him, wondering how he came to be in this position or what Linda would have made him do. I searched again this time going more slowly, when I found nothing I decided to check his trousers which was now hanging loosely by his legs. I felt something cold, I prodded further and that was when I saw it.

Sitting in his pocket all this while might be the key to us leaving this hell hole, ''a small pocket knife.'' I almost screamed in excitement, my fingers tingled, I blinked my eyes like a million time in disbelief. Immediately, I knew what I had to do.

I quickly placed the knife between Caleb's lap, stood up and started my strip dancing again, with more enthusiasm that I found even unbelievable to myself. I rocked my body, twisted and whined my waist, flinging my hips sideways from left to right. I brought my hands to my feet and stretched my ass towards Linda shaking my massive breasts as I did. I heard Linda clap.., ''Hahahah, Finally you are in the game"  She said.

If only she knew better. I had no business with Linda now, just Caleb. Maybe it's the adrenaline or the fact that I'm about to escape from this hole, my thighs began to feel really hot and my pelvic muscles tightened. I knelt down and crawled towards Caleb the way babies do when they start learning how to walk. When I got to him I grabbed his joystick with one hand and then used the other hand to pick the pen knife.

I rubbed his crotch more forcefully than I should, he didn't seem to bother, it was like he also knew we were close to escaping. As I moved my hand up and down his joystick, I used the other hand to gently cut the rope that held his leg to the chair, though I was very careful not to draw the attention of Linda and I still kept the rope in place like he was still tied. I also needed to cut off the ropes that tied his hands so I changed position, I climbed on top of him with my legs wrapped around his waist (the lap dance position) I planted my breasts on his face so my hands could easily reach behind him and began cutting.
''You need to act like you are dead, passed out or something'' I whispered into his ear as I cut. He understood immediately and did as I said.

Though Caleb's hands and legs are now free, we still needed to find a way to dis-harm Linda and we surely couldn't unless there is a way to bring her close. If Caleb played dead, Linda would want to know what happened to him and the rest would be history. Caleb acted the dead part so well I was even beginning to think he was actually dead.

''LINDA! LINDA!! LINDA!!!'' I screamed, ''I think Caleb is dead.''
Linda didn't react at first but when I jumped off Caleb and began to weep uncontrollably, she sprang to her feet, gun in hand and headed towards Caleb. I began to palpitate.

'' What do you mean he is dead?'' Linda asked and for the first time I saw real fear in her eyes. '' What did you do to him?''
''I didn't do anything '' I said in between sobs. I was only doing what you asked me to do and then I noticed he wasn't breathing again.

As she drew near to Caleb, she pointed the gun at me and directed me to move away from him, I did as I was told. Of course I'd play my part and it's left for Caleb to do his. She called his name,
''Caleb!'' No answer. ''Caleb! Caleb!!'' No answer.

My heart felt like it would bounce out of my chest, my stomach burnt as if on fire and for a moment I stopped crying. It was like time paused at that exact moment.
I think Linda began to really panic, she kept repeating
''Dying was not part of the plan.''
''Dying was not part of the plan.''
''Dying was not part of the plan.''
I looked at her with so much hatred and would have gone into an uncontrollable feat of laughter if not for my anticipation for what would happen next.

Linda bent down to examine Caleb further and in that instant Caleb drove his knee into her jaw with so much force I flinched upon impact. The kick sent Linda sprawling to the floor more shocked than hurt. The gun flying in another direction. I reached for the gun the instant it flew off her and had already grabbed it before she even had the time to recover.

Caleb reacted faster, pouncing on her with the agility of a wild beast. He rained punches on her till I had to beg him to stop. For the first time I heard Caleb speak,
''This woman should be hanged with a hook by her Tips and burnt alive'' he said in a very husky voice like he hasn't spoken for days.
''I know but you would not kill her, at least not yet'' I said.

Linda was still on the floor, her face covered in blood, she seem lifeless. Even though I finally have an edge I still felt a little pity for her. She was bleeding from her nose and her eyes were badly swollen. I directed Caleb to raise her up.
He pulled her by the hair and dragged her up, he positioned her directly in front and wrapped his arm around her neck as if to choke her. I pointed the gun at her, a sinister smile playing on my face and directed her towards the door. I was just too shocked for words. All I wanted was to leave this hell and go home.

Just as we were about to reach the door, Linda started laughing, she laughed so hard I got totally confused and rattled. I looked at Caleb, he was confused too. I raised the gun higher and pointed it at Linda...,
''Why the hell are you laughing'' my voice betraying my courage.
She laughed still. No answer, just her mind rattling laugh.
I cracked the shot gun to threaten her further and her laugh just increased and at that moment Caleb started laughing too.

My stomach dropped, I moved an inch farther from the both of them and watched with immeasurable shock the brutal way my nightmare took a new dimension.
Caleb and Linda now held hands and kissed like newly married couples. I watched as they kissed for what must have felt like an eternity to me. I was too shocked to react or say anything. When they were done, they bursted out laughing again. I felt really weak but I still pointed the gun at them, that's my only hope now.

Caleb spoke first, ''So you actually believe you would escape this dungeon?''
''Do you have any idea where you are? No one has ever escaped from us'' he said while still laughing.

I finally found my voice and asked, ''But you were tied to that chair and tortured?''
''Oh that? It's just part of our routine'' Linda spoke this time.

''Everything we did was scripted since you walked into this room and you foolishly played along'' Caleb said. ''Linda has been trained to collect a little beating and let's just say torturing me is a sweet way to turn me on'' ''and I love to watch two ladies fight, didn't you notice I had a hard on from that short fight? It was really nice to watch'' he continued.
I pinched myself, totally sure this was some kind of dream. Nothing happened.

''What about the pocket knife?'' I asked.
''Oh dear, it was planted in his pocket, also part of our routine'' Linda replied. ''You think I would be dumb enough to leave you and him alone plotting how you are going to escape?''

''Though I must give you one thing, You really can give a good lap dance'' Caleb said. They kissed again.
I was sure if I listened to any of their ramblings much longer I would definitely go crazy. I raised the gun above my shoulder and pointed it at them.
''Well'' I said ''Then it would mean I'll just have to blast the both of you to hell'' trying so hard to sound brave.

They look shocked and started to beg, ''PLEASE! PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!'' they both screamed and started to walk towards me.
I move backwards as they drew closer, my hands on the trigger. All these would come to an end soon I ithought and squeezed the trigger.

Nothing happened. I squeezed again, nothing. I cracked the shot gun and squeezed, nothing. I cracked and cracked, squeezed and squeezed, nothing.
I flung the gun at them, they dodged. My brain suddenly felt fuzzy, I staggered, fell to my knees and screamed, prayed to God.

''God please save me.''
Linda and Caleb laughed and kissed. ''You didn't think we'd be dumb enough to leave a bullet inside, did you?''
I need not answer. I scratched the floor with my finger nails, pulled at my hair and rolled as much as I could, willing myself to just go crazy but I didn't, this torment is right in front of me and there is no way of escaping it.

I stood up and bounced on Caleb but before I could reach him with my clumsy attack, he raised his right foot and BAM! A kick to my head.

I blacked out.
I was running, I didn't see anything at first but I knew something was coming after me and I was running. I heard footsteps behind me I dared not look back, I staggered and fell but picked myself back up immediately. I was Unclad, the night was chilly, dark and misty, the birds seem to be singing in synchronization with my heartbeat. I couldn't see ahead but still I ran. I heard to. The footsteps behind me, it's coming closer, I can hear its panting, its breathing, it spoke, I don't understand, the thing, its coming after me, it can't catch me, I won't let it. I ran, faster, but the faster I ran the slower I became. It's getting closer, my heartbeat. Hard, fast, my legs are weak, I feel its breath on my neck, I cringe but I had to run. I missed a step and fell, this time I saw it. It's a monster, the face of my dad, no eyes, no mouth, just darkness, tiny black butterflies are flying out of its mouth and eyes. It's my dad, no, it's a monster. I screams,  it's on me, the butterflies, crawling on my skin, I see something like a tail trying to pierce into me, I scream, I cry, I kick at the monster, my dad, I kick, I kick, I kick....,

I was kicking when I woke up. Another terrible nightmare. I looked around and expected to see Linda or Caleb. No one. The room was clean. I looked at the bed, very comfortable. I see a beautiful wallpaper by the wall, it has red and white rose flowers. I stood up and walked around the room, it smelt nice and the A.C was on. I looked out the window and saw ''NICON LUXURY, Abuja'' I am confused, I looked at the mirror, there was still mark on my face and body so the Linda and Caleb ordeal was definitely not a dream but how am I here?

Someone knocks on the door, ''Room Service'' the voice said. I opened the door. He hands me a tray with a bottle of red wine tied with a ribbon, a small letter and the pocket knife I took from Caleb's pocket.

I thank the man and close the door, I drop the bottle of wine on the bed, tear open the letter and read,
Hi Dear,
I want to believe you had a nice time at the hands of Caleb and Linda. Don't mind them, they can be very hard at times. Anyway hope they weren't too hard on you. You are safe now, they only did what I paid them to do, you went for a job and they were just doing their job.

Don't try to look for them, don't seek answers to anything, you would never find the answers you are looking for.

I only hope that now you'll stop being a social worker and do something else with your life. And by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Your best friend,

It's been four years now and I'm yet to set my eyes on Lucy. I've searched and searched and found her not.
Why do you think LUCY did all of those to her?

Thanks for your precious time.


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