***Episode 16***
She finally made it to chejudo, Korea she didn’t know where to look for Eric. She never was a lucky person. She didn’t find any sign of Eric so she travelled to Inchon city.
Her search for Eric continued for another year. During that time she had travelled to many city. It must have been a gift from God because one day her search came to an end.
She has just finished her overtime shift at the sung hotel. It was pretty ironic because her whole family spent their lives working for hotels. .
She went into the worker’s lounge to take a break and read the headline’s
“white knights are to open a conference broadcasting live on channel 6 today.
She rolled her eyes. Not them again. They were the notorious mafia lead by Daniel smith. She shuddered. She can’t believe the leader has the same last name as her beloved Eric.
White knights was composed of 6 leaders. They committed a lot of crimes and were always challenging the authorities. Even the Chinese could do nothing. They had a lot of power and no one could take their pictures without their consent . But a a lot of people know what they look like. But she didn’t care she was too busy looking for her Eric.
A worker named Helen came in she was also a Nigerian she loved Ella so much. Hey. She said patting her lightly on the knee. “on break? Ella nodded .
Helen picked up the T.V. remote and tuned to channel 6. Hey Ella there’s supposed to be showing the white knights today. Wonder what they look like?
She nodded and watched with her. When the clock struck 9. She felt her heart had stopped it was not because of her heart failures either. She stared at the face that was giving a cocky smile to the camera. ERIC. Slowly the camera pulled out revealing the other 5 members.
She recognized kenneth. He and eric looked completely diffrent but she still recognized them. They both had their head dyed completely.
She and Helen watched them in silence as they began to talk. Eric and the others introduced themselves.

To most people he would be like an evil gang leader but in her eyes he was a beautiful angel.
Ella are you okay? Asked helen, as she waved a hand in front of his face.
Yea i’m fine just listening to him she said pointing at him. Who is he ?
“that daniell smith helen answered.
Ella stared at eric some more. He had changed his name and so did kenneth. No wonder she couldn’t find them.
Helen caught her staring at him. “the leader is cute huh ?
Ella blushed yeah.
“too bad in reality his a jerk.
“he is not she yelled at her.
Helen stared back at her in shock. Ella apologised immediately.
Helen had a confused look on her face.
They both turned to listen to what they have to say…

Eric began talking.
“this is white knights to all you losers out there watching us. We just want to say we are open to hire new employees. And to the police in Korea. Stop picking on us?we are good law abiding citizens.
Eric folded his hands together and gave a little bow. Then all the white knights started laughing .
oh my gosh! Look at him. Yelled Helen and pointed at Kenneth on the T.V. screen.
“look at that stupid smile and that perverted laugh… Kelele
Helen made a poor impression of Kenneth’s laugh and it made Ella laugh. Ken will kill her if he knew Helen made fun of his trademark laugh.
the show ended a little too soon for Ella but Eric mentioned they visited many hotels and he’ll be visiting her’s soon . She went back to work and waited for him to come...



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