Sacrifice for Love episode 9

***Episode 9***
All three of them went downstairs together. Eric had to help her down because her legs were to weak to support her.
Eric helped her sit on the couch and he faced the strange man.
Mr smith glared at eric.
“hi Dad, said Eric.
Where the hell have you been ? Shouted Mr Smith.
Daniella family just watch the yell at each other.
Eric shrugged his shoulders. ” around. It made Mr Smith very mad but he never hit Eric. He continued yelling. Eric didn’t really listen after a while he cut his Dad off.
“look Dad, shut up about it already we’ll talk about it at home.
Daniella thought . She can never talk to her parent like that.
Mr smith shuts up. Okay son, we’ll talk about it at home.
Then Eric gestured his hand at Ella entire family.
The Stevens family were nice enough to let me stay in their house. You owe them.
Mr Smith nodded. Fine Mr Stephen you and your wife just got promoted.

Her step mum got so excited. “thank you Mr Smith.
Come on Eric Mr Smith said. Let’s go home and have that talk.
Eric brushed his dad hands off his shoulder.
Later dad. I’ll be home in an hour. ” his father glared at him. Eric glared back.
Mr smith knew Eric was stubborn so he agreed.

After Mr smith left Eric talked to her parents.
“listen here. ” he said as he sat down next to her. ” i can get you hired and fired just like that. And he snapped his fingers.
We know , we know her step mum said sweetly. Pouring Eric a glass of juice.
Eric didn't drink it. All i want is for you two not to touch Ella again. If I see another bruise on her you both know the consequence. . Eric held her hands the entire time he spoke to her parents. She felt a strange warmth pass through her. She knew then she was falling in love with him.

Her Dad kept quiet while her stepmother took charge of the talking
Eric rolled his eyes.
“okay. And make sure you keep your promise. ” then Eric turned to face her.
Come on. Let’s go.
What? Ella asked confused.
“go to my house with me.
“go go! Said her step mom pushing her towards Eric.
Have fun and stay out as long as you like.
Ella knew her stepmom was afraid but just putting up a face...



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