Leadership is a process not a postion. There was a time when people used the term leadership and management interchangeably. I think most people now recognise that their is a significant difference between the two. Leadership focuses on the creation of common Vision WHILE Management is the design of work... It's about controlling. Your opinion is not needed, you're to work with rules and regulations. you're programmed like ROBOT.
Leadership deals with people and their dynamics, which are continually changing. the challenge of leadership is to create change nd facilitate growth and this requires moving up from one level of leadership to another. Management is at it's best when things stay the same.
i. Where does leadership start?ii. What should we do fruit?
iii. How can we gain influence with others?
iv. How can we develop a productive team?
v. How do we help followers become students and become leaders in their own right?
Position is the lowest level of leadership - It's the starting point. The only influence a positional leader has is the TITLE. Example First child of a family the position qualities him/her to lead same as Baales too. People follow because they have to. Positional leadership is based on the rights granted by the position or title. Noting is wrong with having a leadership position. Everything is wrong using your position to get people to get people to follow you.Must people who lead by position may be bosses, they are never a leader. They have subordinates and not team member.
they rely on rules,regulations ,policies to control their people. Their people will only follow them within the state boundaries of their authorities. Their people don't give their best, positional leaders usually have difficulty working with younger people,newbies,volunteers because they don't have influence. The level 1 is the only level that does not require ability and effort to achieve.
level 2 is based entirely on relationships. this level,people follow because they want to, when you like people and treat them like individual with value,everyone want that treatment, you automatically develop influence and trust with them and the environment becomes much more positive whether at home, its getting to know their people and figuring how to get the best out of them. People build a solid and lasting relationship with their leader, you can like people without leading them,but you cannot lead people without liking them.
level 3 is based on getting results,leaders on this level gain influence and credibility and people will follow them because of their results. many positive things begins to happen such as work get done,morale high, profit goes up and goals achieved,leading and influencing other becomes fun,productivity means you're solving a problem.According to Joes Namath"when your WINNING, nothing hurts" they can tackle tough problems,they can make decisions that will make a difference they are recognized in their industry / organization.
Leaders become great,not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others.they use their position, relationships, productivity to invest in their followers and develop them to become leaders. They understand that a success without a successful successor is a failure.
One good player can win a game,but it's collection of star players{Team} wins championship. Team work goes to a very high level. High investment in people deepen relationship and strengthen loyalty. Their people follow them because of what their leaders have done for them personally and their relationship becomes life time.
The highest and most difficult level of leadership is the pinnacle, it requires not only effort ,skill and intentionally but also high level of talent. Only gifted leaders ever make it to this highest level, what they do on this level is that they develop people to become respected leaders, developing followers to lead on their own is difficult, most leaders don't do it because it takes so much work than simply leading followers. They create opportunities that other leaders don't, they create legacy in what they do. People follow them because of who they are and what they represent. Pinnacle and respect often transcend their position,organization sometimes their country even their continent,such as Gandi, Mother Teresa,Mandela,Martin Luther King Junior etc.Thanks for reading
Have a Nice day
Great article. Totally agree having had to apply all of them. I have one more