Money is a game with rules and you can win or lose, we all need to know how to make money, manage the money and multiply it and pass it on. Our goal is not to make money for making sake except for a misers. Money is just a tool to enable you do whatever it is you want to do and enhances your enjoyment of the life and relationships. Money would agree that money is the lubricant of makes love very sweet, it's a red flag when you wake in a day and you have a lot of bills to sort and you don't have any money in your wallet both in hand and blank. The only reason you don't have money to sort out your bills is that you don't know how to play the money game.

The first rule of money game is the most important one and it is knowing that money is a game. MONEY IS A GAME: The more you play any game, the better you get at it, if I have played any game more than you do ,I will beat you when we play together.all those rich people learn the game and you can also learn the game, start with rearranging the word MONEY-MY ONE, the question is who are you on the inside? you have to DO and HAVE, what are your potentials? like C. Ronald can not do well as a basketballer and same with Lebron James can't play soccer. your focus should be what can you produce with that your potentials, adding values to the game makes you a star player.

DONT BE A HATER OF MONEY: Because if you hate money you will never get money. I know you will say no one ever hate money, yes you are right, but some people are money hater without them knowing! you are money hater when you say bad things about people who are rich. rich people are star players of the game that if you study them closely you will understand the game. Some persons if they see lower denomination on the ground they don't pick...(LAUGHED) Money is a spirit that is why you won't find bigger ones on the ground.

MONEY IS A DOUBLE GAME: It's about you doubling your money. That's why rich men wants more, they are always hungry because that is the only way to stay rich. They work harder than every other person. many work at least 40hours /week ,Rich men work 59 hours/week ,you will meet them at the office and you will leave them in the office. They are always improving their skills to earn money. how soon can you double money? from #1000-#2000,#2000-#4000 and so on?. It all boils down to your level of risk, tolerance and tune horizon.

SEDUCTION: Money likes to be seduced, money is not attracted to desperate people. just like women will be scared of a desperate guy, people who want money is bad, don't let money seduce you. be the one to seduce money with what you do and money will fall on you. just like girls, they like a guy that knows what he's doing, money likes people that as embodied the skills of making money.

TIMING: Everything that has to do with man is timing. you should be able to see the future ahead of others so that the future doesn't catch up with you. anybody the future catches up with ,it leaves them behind. you see the business that will yield billionaires before others. billionaires are those who live in the future.

BOREDOM: Money likes to be moved. nobody likes a boring person. if you're too boring money leaves you and go where it will be used. The bank loan millionaires your money you kept in the bank.
,because you don't know what to do with it, before you know it, it has devalued by the time you need it, make sure money is always moving. that's why someone like Dangote has business because he understand the skill of money moving.

Bye guys have a nice stress-free day ahead


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