We became wealthy, owning a lot of properties including this house we are all in. Anytime I tried to ask my wife about the job her friend got for her that requires a lot of travelling, she would say we are already rich, I shouldn't care about the source of money. I also kept quiet because I didn't want to truncate our source of wealth.
I continued to spend the money my wife made ignoring the source. I assumed it was a divine favour from God. The love for my wife waxed stronger day by day. As the money increased, the time she spent with me reduced. She travelled around the world.
Nothing has a beginning without an end. The end came for us. It came knocking on our door. My wife travelled to Dubai and didn't come back. I was worried but I consoled my self. A month passed, I didn't see her. Two months, still she didn't call me to pick her up at the airport. Not until five months before I received a call from an anonymous doctor that my wife is at the hospital about to die, she wanted to see me before passing away. I became apprehensive with different thought on my mind. I asked myself these questions.
What the hell is wrong with her?
I know this is a prank right?
As I entered the ward, I saw her almost lifeless. She was very lean. I couldn't cry as I walked to her bed.
"Michael".... She called out writhing in pain
"I have confessions to make to you, please forgive me. My time is short." She whispered.
"For the past five years, I have been trafficking drugs". She burst out
"No, no, no .... This can't be true. I said shaking my head in disbelief.
"It is true sweetheart. I didn't want to do it. My friend forced me into it. The one I told you I met. I had promised myself that I would stop after two successful trips, I couldn't. My thirst for wealth increased. I took different trips to different countries under your nose. I couldn't tell you because she made me swear to an oath. During my last trip to Dubai, I was told to swallow the drugs which I did. Unfortunately, I was delayed at the airport before I delivered the drugs. The internal organs were damaged due to the delay I had. I became very ill that I spent all the money I got on curing that illness. I had to leave Dubai when it became worse. I was abandoned here to die by that fiend I call a friend. I gave the doctor your contact when I realised I don't have much time." She started to cough and was vomiting blood.
She vomited the blood till she died. I watched her die. Can you see the reason why I can't marry another woman. The most painful part of this story is that she had no child before her death. Tell me why I should allow another woman into my life after she went to the extreme to make me rich?" His face was blank.
"My advice for you all listening is that don't ever allow anyone to force you to do what is against your wish." He concluded the story.
We stopped calling him a wizard after his sad story.
Be careful!!!
A little meal from the devil can become a tumour that will gradually eat you up. Always follow your heart. The world is beyond what you think it is.
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